My Fitness Routine
A lot of people struggle to find a fitness routine that they like and one they can stick to. It took me about a year to figure out which type of exercises worked best for me and my schedule.
Here's a few questions I've had regarding my fitness routine. I hope this can give you some ideas for your own exercise regime!
How many times do I exercise per week?
I like to exercise 3-4x per week and that is sufficient for me. I used to go to the gym almost every day (6-7x per week) but couldn’t fit that into my schedule anymore.
In my opinion, exercising 3-4x per week should still get you the results you are looking for and is much more attainable. If you are just starting out – I suggest you do this at your own pace, you could start by exercising once or twice a week and move up from there. (Don't rush. Give yourself time and set realistic goals for yourself - you will get there!!!).
How long do my workouts last?
My workouts usually last about 45 minutes to an hour. Depending on the day and what type of exercises I’m doing.
You shouldn’t need more than an hour to complete a workout. If you are looking to lose weight or improve your lifestyle in general – don’t worry about putting long hours at the gym. An hour is more than enough.
What type of exercises I do?
Barbells, weights, kettle bells, resistance bands and body weight are my main tools when it comes to exercising.
I like to workout all body parts throughout the week. I usually devote one day for my lower body (Legs, glutes, hamstrings, quads), one day for my back and arms, one day for my chest and shoulders and my last day is usually a full body cardio workout.
This is my current routine, but I like to switch it up often so I keep challenging my body and don't get bored of doing the same thing. Here’s a breakdown:
Day 1: Legs (Quads, Glutes)
Day 2: Back + Biceps
Day 3: Chest + Triceps + Core
Day 4: HITT cardio (Glutes, Hamstrings, Arms, Core)

How do I recover from workouts?
It's sooo important to take time to recover after a workout. Many factors come in to play in your recovery and it’s probably the part that most of us struggle with (this is definitely the one I struggle with the most). Every fitness plan should include:
Stretching Routine
I usually stretch once a week – I usually take my rest day to do some yoga or practice some stretching at home. (PS. This is definitely something I don’t do enough of and need to put focus on).
I recommend stretching for at least 10 minutes after each workout to help your body recover.
FOOOD (my favorite part)
I usually have a post workout snack/meal and drink plenty of water to restock on energy, boost muscle building and help with muscle recovery.
Rest days!!!
Do not neglect those rest days – they will allow your muscles to recover and re-built from your workouts.
I recommend taking at least 1-2 rest days per week.
Sleep can cure just about anything – including muscle and energy recovery. It can also have a big impact on your appetite and your workout performance and results.

I’ve said this before and will keep saying it – everybody is different and you need to find what works for you! Otherwise, you probably won’t stay accountable. Remember, fitness is not a race. It’s a slow process with many learning curves – but can become a wonderful journey. The best advice I can give is to try implementing exercises you enjoy into your routine and make it fit into your lifestyle.