How I stay sane
On my last blog I talked about meal prep ideas for back to school. Today, I'm going to tell you all about my motivations... because let’s face it we all need a little motivation when this time of year comes around. So here’s a few things that keep me sane as we stroll into the fall season.
Ah yes! As much as it can be hard to get back to it, there’s no better feeling than the one you get after a good sweat sesh. For me, fitness is a way to relieve stress. I feel so good after a workout, especially after a long day. Not once, I ever regretted going for a run or hitting the gym. Those endorphins are the perfect remedy for stress, anxiety, worry… you name it!
I always had a passion for art. There’s something so fascinating about it. With art you have the power to create and imagine anything your little heart desires. Drawing is probably one of the things that keeps me motivated and focused. It just makes me feel good and in tune with myself. It shows me that life is beautiful and is what you make it. Art can be found anywhere and may not appear the same for everyone, but once you find it – keep it. It’s one of the greatest gifts.
When I’m not feeling my best – music is my cure. Turn on some Beyoncé and soon enough you’ll find me singing/dancing to “who runs the world”. In my opinion, music is one of the most powerful tools in the world. It can change your mood, almost instantly. I enjoy all kinds of music and have preferred playlists for at home, the gym, at work, the car ride home, etc. Music can be appreciated anywhere and everywhere. It is surely one that keeps me inspired and motivated on a daily.

Although summer is coming to an end – the adventures don't have to stop. There is so many beautiful things to see. I live where there’s a lot of woodland. It can feel a little dull at times, but it also has great things to discover. Every time I go camping or hiking, I discover new and beautiful places. Exploring is a great way to free your mind and refuel.

I can remember, at high school, they gave us all the same books to read. Although, they were a lot more to choose from. I think that’s why I never used to like reading. I was never really reading something that I liked. Come to find out later in life that I actually enjoy relaxing with a good book from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy browsing through social media, but there’s no better way for me to disconnect from the virtual world than getting lost in a good book.
I aspire that this blog gave you new ideas on how to stay motivated for the coming season. Let me know some of your ways to stay motivated in my contact section!